“I know what I want”


The zero hesitation mindset for creative world building.

Any business owner can create a deeper world that’s more unique. And, one of the characteristics of someone who will do well with a ‘world building’ approach to business versus someone who likes the idea, but would do better simply following industry tactics, is that the world builder is seldom afraid to try something that’s new to them.

Furthermore, they’ll almost always be happy to do do something that might be new for their entire industry. In fact, they often have a disdain for business tactics used by their their market. This may be because they have a lack of trust in the masses. Or, they may not be interested in climbing the same ladder of popularity of their industry. They also tend to have a high self concept, through years of getting results. This means they’re looking for ways to buck the trend. And do things their way.

In simple terms, if a business owner can’t come up with an idea. Flesh it out. And present it to the market in something as simple as an email, resource, or a social media post, they won’t be able to build a unique world.

If nothing else, their overthinking at each check-point will run so high that they’ll be exhausted before they get any traction. And will fall back into a tactical, or even passive way of thinking. Or stalling.

To build a different kind of business, or more unique world, you have to be OK with people rejecting you.

By going a different path, you’re going against at least some of the status quo.

So you can’t care too much about what other people think.

In fact, if we pick any business that’s not following the crowd, and building a highly addictive world, you can see this in their face straight away.

They have an ‘edge’. They’re focused on doing good work in the way that they see as best.

They aren’t hedging.

And in many cases, it’s much more. They’re putting on a show. They realise that as you flesh out your business and bring your offers and service to the people, you don’t just need a skillset, you need to turn that skillset into a performance.

Any business can create a deeper world. But those who excel often have a certain look to them. They’re on a mission. you can see it in someone’s face. It’s not a faked nonchalance. But a real focus on the mission rather than caring too much about what others think.

This also forges a confidence that can’t be faked.

Building a unique or creative business world is a totally different way of thinking than following an exact template of someone else who’s popular right now. Like any good business it’s driven from a mission to help people and make a difference.

But it’s backed by a lack of hesitation.

The creator never hesitates because the right time is always now. The mission must move on.


Clarifying your persona lululemon style