#20 Coaching, meaning and business with Mario Paguio

Coaching, meaning and business with Mario Paguio

Mario Paguio is a coach, marketer, copywriter and brand strategist.

Through his business Kaizen Collective, he helps gym owners implement systems to grow their business sustainably, as well as find deeper meaning and joy in their work.

In this conversation, we find out about Mario's story, how he got into his work, and uncover some key takeaways for those who are trying to grow their gym or PT business.

You can connect with Mario on Instagram: www.instagram.com/marario

Check out Kaizen Collective on their website: https://kcollective.mykajabi.com


#21 World champion goal setting in sport and business with Pete Jacobs


#19 Growing a small business law practice with Emilia Cardillo