#51 Sharing your story

In this episode we talk about the importance of sharing your story.

As a coach or creative business owner, this is something you can do openly, or more subtly throughout your work. I talk about my own bumpy journey with this, and share a few learnings you can take advantage of.

You can apply this to your personal story, or, your business back-story.

Both can help you build a massive amount of connection, trust, and engagement with the people you work with. This helps your clients understand why you do what you do, how you got there, and what worked, or didn’t work along the way. It also is a great way to ‘stand out’ in a crowded market of ‘coaches’ and ‘professionals’.


#52 Resilience, Physiotherapy and Business with Frances Brown (FKB Physio)


#50 Creating your art with Clare O'Hara