#7 Owning your values and finding your voice with Nerida Bint

Nerida Bint is a business owner, community builder, and founder of Lissome Women's Gyms in Newcastle & Maitland.

Small business can be a wild ride.

It's important to have a strong set of values that can help guide you. But it's not always easy to find your values, and your own voice. Especially when there's so much noise and different opinions out there.

This makes it even more important!

Getting crystal clear on your values can help you take a stand, and be clear on who your work is for, and what it's for. And even if things get tough in your work, you'll have a clear North Star to guide you.

Listen to Nerida share her wealth of experience around how she learned to find her values, what this means to her personally and in business, and learn what it can do for you. 

You can find Nerida on instagram: www.instagram.com/neridabint and https://www.instagram.com/lissome_newcastle/


#8 Villains and values for content marketing that sticks


#6 Follow the leader - Social conformity in small business